by Chris
on Wednesday, 24th October 2012
in Apple, Computers
Hot on the tail on our previous post about the new Apple iPad Mini and iPad 4, it’s time to provide another user friendly page giving an overview of the new Apple iMac and MacBook Pro. iMac; The biggest change is how slim the new iMac’s are, only 5mm at it’s thinnest point, which is 80% […]
by Chris
on Wednesday, 24th October 2012
in Apple, Computers
Well, with all the new products announced by Apple yesterday (incase you missed it, a new iPad Mini, iPad 4, iMac and MacBook Pro Retina), we thought we’d be kind and write a couple of summary posts of what’s new for each one on one nice and easy to read page. For this post, the new Apple […]
by Chris
on Monday, 22nd October 2012
in Home Cinema, Multi-Room
At the weekend, I was in a local branch of a national chain that sells high end home entertainment equipment, having a nose to see what’s new. Whilst I was in there, a member of public came in and asked a member of staff “how can I hear sound through my TV without having to […]
by Chris
on Sunday, 14th October 2012
in Computers, General, Security
So, who watched Anne Robinson and her crew on Watchdog last week? If you did, did you see the ‘Rogue Traders’ section about the computer repair company? From our perspective, its was very uncomfortable and frustrating viewing. ‘Cowboys’ like these don’t do genuine services any favours. When the interviews (loosely termed) took place for new staff […]
by Chris
on Sunday, 23rd September 2012
in Apple, Google
It appears Apple seems to be getting a bit of a hard time with regards to using their own maps in iOS6 rather than that of Google Maps. We’ve personally not used Apple Maps, but a couple of examples of the problems can be found here. So there does seem to be a genuine case. […]
by Chris
on Friday, 14th September 2012
in Apple
Well, after all the build up, leaks and excitement, the Apple iPhone 5 was announced on Wednesday 12th September. So, what’s new, how does it compare to the competition and how will it connect to our UK mobile networks as it sports 4G? First up, we have to say, although it’s cosmetically not a great […]
by Chris
on Friday, 31st August 2012
in Computers, Networking, Security
Well, it’s that time of the year when new students head off to college or university, or existing students return for their next year of tuition. With that in mind, are their laptops also ready for the new academic year? Very often, student computers become, how can we say it, ‘well used’ whilst away. For example, […]
by Chris
on Thursday, 23rd August 2012
in Apple, Google
Well, my contract is up and I’m in the market for a new phone, but like usual, what do I take the punt on for the next couple of years this time? Do I stick with Android or make the switch to the expected and anticipated Apple iPhone 5? I’ve had a varied phone history […]
by Chris
on Thursday, 16th August 2012
in Business, Computers, email, General, Hosting, Security, Website
It has been long overdue, but it’s finally here, our website. Ironic isn’t it, we’ve been working without a website for all these years. But clients and potential clients often ask, “do you have a website that showcases your services?”… Up until now, the answer was no. But due to popular demand, we’ve let […]